XML schema elements
The following table lists XML Schema elements with corresponding types created in the resulting type tree.
- XML Schema Element
- Type Tree Type Class
- all
- Unordered group named TypeDef
- annotation
- (The comments in the XML Schema are ignored during the import process.)
- any
- Text item named anyElem
- anyAttribute
- Sequence group named anyAttr containing name and value text items
- appinfo
- (Application information is ignored during the import process.)
- attribute
- Text item
- attributeGroup
- Category containing a Comp category and a AttrGroupDecl group
- choice
- Category containing a Comp category and a TypeDef choice group
- complexContent
- Sequence Group named TypeDef
- complexType
- Category containing at a minimum a Comp category and a TypeDef sequence group
- documentation
- (Text comments are ignored during the import process.)
- element
- This is a group when the element definition contains a reference to a global type, otherwise, it is a category
- extension
- Sequence froup named TypeDef
- field
- Property named Field Path in the Intent > Validate As > Derivation > ID Constraints property group.
- group
- Category containing a Comp category and a GroupDecl group
- import
- (Not represented)
- include
- (Not represented)
- key
- Group property under Intent > Validate As > Derivation > ID Constraints (named Key)
- keyref
- Group property under Intent > Validate As > Derivation > ID Constraints (named KeyRef)
- list
- Category containing a Comp category and a TypeDef sequence group with the range 0-s
- notation
- (Non-XML data is ignored during the import process.)
- redefine
- (Not represented)
- restriction
- Text item
- schema
- XSD type category
- selector
- Group property under Intent > Validate As > Derivation > ID Constraints (named Selector Path)
- sequence
- Sequence group named TypeDef
- simpleContent
- Sequence group named TypeDef
- simpleType
- Text item
- union
- Text item
- unique
- Text item