LDAP User Authentication

You are using a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol and Active Directory HTTP server to manage users and authentication. You want to know the best practices to use that LDAP/AD server to manage user access to Design Server.

Design Server supports Keycloak (https://www.keycloak.org/) to manage and authenticate users.

Existing user databases hold user credentials. Keycloak federates these existing external user databases through the concept of storage providers. By default, Keycloak supports an LDAP and Active Directory storage provider. By adding a storage provider, you can map LDAP user attributes into Keycloak. You can also configure more mappings.

Before you configure Keycloak to use an existing LDAP/AD provider, you must consider the following best practices:
  • Set up your LDAP/AD provider as a read-only repository so that Keycloak Server cannot change it
  • Add and remove users in LDAP/AD and not the Keycloak local user database
  • Import and synchronize your LDAP/AD users to your Keycloak local database
    • An import for an LDAP/AD user can fail, if the LDAP/AD field chosen for the username mapping in Keycloak is not filled in for that user in LDAP/AD
    • Filter LDAP/AD users by using the Custom User LDAP Filter, so you can import a subset of all your LDAP users. For example, you can set up a Server user group in LDAP and only import those users to Keycloak
  • Map a login style name, for example, user1@server.com, by using the UserPrincipalName attribute in LDAP/AD to a username in Keycloak. If you want the full name of the user as your login style, use the cn attribute in LDAP/AD.
Note: The LDAP/AD user name attribute must match the LDAP/AD provider user name attribute (Username LDAP attribute) in Keycloak for the LDAP/AD provider to connect with Keycloak.

The following sections use these best practices to guide you to set up Keycloak to connect to your LDAP/AD HTTP server.