IP reputation and IP location

IP Reputation and IP Location provides you with reputation and geographic location information for both source and target IP addresses. For example, if a given source IP address is flagged as being a source for spam and it is located in a country rated as high for spam origination, it's likely that the source IP address in question is a spam source.

IP Reputation categories exist for both source IPs and target IPs:
Note: As additional IP Reputation categories are added, they should be defined on the following web page: https://www.xforce-security.com/apploupe/categories/

The values for source IP and target IP Reputation categories are represented as probabilities between 0 and 100. For example, a Source IP Reputation (Spam) entry of zero (0) indicates that the source IP traffic is definitely not spam whereas an entry of 100 indicates definite spam traffic. Consider a value of 50 to be a threshold. Thus, values less than 50 indicate less likelihood that spam is present and values greater than 50 indicate more likelihood that spam is present. These probabilities are based on massive amounts of ongoing Web-based data that IBM X-Force continuously collects and analyzes.

Tip: Summary-type Analysis views show the most current reputation scores (probabilities) and are likely to change over time. Detail-type Analysis views show the reputation scores that were recorded by the event and do not change over time.

IP Location provides the country of origin of the source IP address or target IP address.

Here are some other useful facts regarding using IP Reputation and IP Location: