Control Hub can authenticate users using the built-in Control Hub authentication method, a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) identity provider, or a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) provider.
Each authentication method requires that users have a Control Hub user account. To log in to Control Hub, users enter the user ID for their Control Hub account using the following format:
<ID>@<organization ID>
If the organization uses Control Hub authentication, Control Hub requests the user's password, and then authenticates the user using their Control Hub credentials. The user is then successfully logged in to Control Hub or a Data Collector registered with the organization.
If the organization uses SAML authentication, Control Hub sends the authentication request to the SAML identity provider (IdP). If the user does not have an existing session, the SAML IdP authenticates the user using the credentials stored in the IdP. The IdP returns a SAML assertion back to Control Hub confirming that the user is authenticated. If the user does have an existing session, the IdP simply returns a SAML assertion back to Control Hub. When Control Hub receives a SAML assertion, it verifies that the authenticated user is a registered Control Hub user and then grants the user access to Control Hub or a Data Collector registered with the organization.
If a Control Hub installation uses LDAP authentication, Control Hub requests the user's LDAP password, and then sends the authentication request to the LDAP provider. If the LDAP provider authenticates the user account, the user is then successfully logged in to Control Hub or a Data Collector registered with the organization.
Control Hub Authentication
Control Hub authenticates user credentials using the username and password stored in Control Hub.
Control Hub authentication is the default authentication method. To use Control Hub authentication, simply create a Control Hub user account for each user that needs to access Control Hub.
SAML Authentication
If your company uses a SAML IdP, you can use the IdP to authenticate Control Hub users.
SAML authenticates a user using the credentials stored in the IdP. SAML uses single sign on authentication so that users can log in to Control Hub using the same credentials that they use for other web applications within your corporate network.
SAML provides single sign on for web applications. SAML single sign on transfers the user’s identity from one place (the identity provider or IdP) to another (the service provider or SP). Control Hub acts as the SAML service provider that works with the SAML IdP that you specify. The IdP can be in the cloud or on-premises. As the service provider, Control Hub does not directly access the IdP. Instead, all communication between Control Hub and the IdP is managed by the web browser.
When SAML authentication is enabled, users still require a Control Hub user account to log in to Control Hub. After users enter their user account name, Control Hub sends the authentication request to the SAML IdP.
Control Hub SAML integration supports SAML 2.0 and supports SAML sessions initiated by the service provider only. It does not support sessions initiated by the identity provider.
As a service provider, Control Hub sends SAML AuthnRequest messages to the IdP Single Sign On (SSO) endpoint using SAML HTTP-Redirect and HTTP-POST bindings. The Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) endpoint used by Control Hub supports SAML HTTP-POST binding.
Signed Messages and Assertions
Control Hub supports signed SAML messages and SAML assertions that are signed and encrypted. If the IdP is configured to use SAML message signing and SAML assertion signing and encryption, then Control Hub enforces them also.
SAML message signing is verified using the key information defined for the organization in Control Hub. Any key information that exists in the message is ignored.
By default, each Control Hub organization is configured to use SAML message signing and SAML assertion signing and encryption. If the IdP is not configured to use these, then you must disable message signing and assertion signing and encryption when you configure SAML authentication for your organization.
Tasks that Require Control Hub Credentials
When SAML authentication is enabled, the following tasks require that users be authenticated by Control Hub:
- Update the SAML IdP configuration in the organization details if the SAML IdP is incorrectly configured in Control Hub.
- Use the Data Collector command line interface.
- Use the Control Hub REST API or the SDK for Python.
- Organization Administrator
Users with the Organization Administrator role can complete all of these tasks.
- Control Hub Authentication
Users with the Control Hub Authentication role can complete all of the tasks except for updating the SAML IdP configuration, as long as they have all other required roles. For example, to delete jobs using the Control Hub REST API when SAML is enabled, a user must have the Control Hub Authentication role, Organization User role, and the Job Operator role.
Users with the Organization Administrator role or the Control Hub Authentication role can be authenticated by the SAML IdP using IdP credentials or by Control Hub using Control Hub credentials. In most cases, users with these roles will log in just like any other user in the organization and will be authenticated by the SAML IdP.
However, when needed, users with the Organization Administrator role or the Control Hub Authentication role can use the following page to log into Control Hub using Control Hub credentials:
For example, if the SAML IdP is incorrectly configured within Control Hub, users cannot log in using SAML authentication. Users with the Organization Administrator role can use their Control Hub credentials to log in using this URL to re-enable access to Control Hub.
Enabling SAML Authentication
The process that you use to enable SAML authentication depends on the SAML IdP that you use. Refer to the IdP documentation for the detailed steps.
- Register Control Hub as a service provider with the IdP of your choice.
- Within Control Hub, configure SAML authentication for your organization.
- Within Control Hub, map Control Hub user accounts to IdP user accounts.
Step 1. Register Control Hub as a Service Provider
To register Control Hub as a service provider with an IdP, download the Control Hub SAML metadata and keys, and then use that information to register Control Hub with the IdP.
Step 2. Configure SAML Authentication for the Organization
To configure SAML authentication for the organization, upload the IdP metadata XML file to the organization and configure individual properties as required by the IdP. As a last step, enable SAML integration for the organization.
Step 3. Map Control Hub Users to Identity Provider Users
When you enable SAML authentication, users still require a Control Hub user account to log in to Control Hub. You must map each Control Hub user account to a SAML IdP user account.
Use the following tips for help with SAML authentication:
- How do I review error messages to figure out why a user cannot log in using SAML authentication?
- For security reasons, SAML messages include minimal information about login failures. As a result, to troubleshoot SAML login issues, you must review the logs or consoles of both the SAML identity provider (IdP) and Control Hub.
- After we enabled SAML authentication for our organization, all users who try to log into Control Hub receive a 500 internal server error - even our organization administrator.
- If the IdP is incorrectly configured within Control Hub, users will not be able to log in using SAML authentication. However, users with the Organization Administrator role can use their Control Hub credentials to log into the following page to re-enable access to Control Hub:
LDAP Authentication
If you have a Control Hub on-premises installation and your company uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), you can use the LDAP provider to authenticate Control Hub users. LDAP authenticates a user using the credentials stored in the LDAP server.
LDAP authentication is configured by the default system administrator - the admin@admin user account - for the entire Control Hub installation. To use LDAP authentication, the Control Hub system administrator configures LDAP connection information for Control Hub and then maps organization administrator accounts to LDAP users.
Organization administrators then create Control Hub user accounts and groups and map these to LDAP users and groups.
When LDAP authentication is enabled, users still require a Control Hub user account to log in to Control Hub or a registered Data Collector. After users enter their Control Hub user account name and LDAP password, Control Hub sends the authentication request to the LDAP provider.
Mapping Control Hub Users to LDAP Users
Map each Control Hub user account to an LDAP user account. Users log in to Control Hub using their Control Hub user ID and their LDAP password.
Mapping Control Hub Groups to LDAP Groups
To group users when LDAP authentication is enabled, create Control Hub groups, and then map the Control Hub groups to LDAP groups.
When LDAP authentication is enabled, you cannot assign Control Hub users to Control Hub groups. Control Hub retrieves the group memberships from the LDAP provider.