Monitoring Scheduled Tasks

As a scheduled task runs, you can monitor the status of the task, view details about each time the task triggered an action on a job or report, and view an audit of all changes made to the scheduled task.

Important: A scheduled task simply triggers an action on a job or report, it does not monitor the job or report. For example, if a scheduled task periodically starts a job on a regular basis, you cannot monitor the active job as you monitor that scheduled task. Instead, you must view the job on the Jobs view to monitor the active job.

To monitor a scheduled task, click the name of the task in the Scheduler view. The page shows details about the scheduled task. You can click to view the runs and view an audit for the task.

Viewing the runs or the audit for a running scheduled task

Scheduled Task Status

When you monitor a scheduled task, you can view the scheduled task status.

The following table describes each scheduled task status:
Scheduled Task Status Description
Running Scheduled task is running and able to trigger an action on a job or report at the scheduled time as long as the task's start time has passed.

If a running scheduled task has no defined start time, the task is able to trigger an action on a job or report immediately. If a running scheduled task has a defined start time, the task is able to trigger an action on a job or report only after the start time has passed.

Paused Scheduled task is paused and cannot trigger an action on a job or report. You must resume a paused scheduled task to a running state before it can trigger.

A paused scheduled task might miss scheduled executions. You can configure how a scheduled task handles missed executions.

Finished Scheduled task has reached its configured end time.

When a scheduled task transitions to a finished state, it ends permanently and cannot be restarted.

Killed Scheduled task has been manually killed. Killing a task forces the task to end.

A killed scheduled task cannot be restarted.

Viewing Runs

When you monitor a scheduled task, you can view details about each time that the task triggered an action on a job or report.

Click View Runs to list each attempt to run the task. For each attempt, the page lists the scheduled time, the executed time, whether the action succeeded, and the error message explaining failed actions.

Note: The page lists the scheduled time and executed time in the time zone of your browser.

For example, the following image shows a scheduled task scheduled to start a job daily at 7:30 PM in the US/Eastern time zone. The run details, viewed from a browser in the US/Pacific time zone, show that on June 29, the task successfully triggered the start of the job at 4:30 PM, which is 7:30 PM in the US/Eastern time zone. The next day, the triggered execution failed because the job was already active.

View Runs listing each attempt to run the task

Viewing the Audit

When you monitor a scheduled task, you can view an audit of all changes made to the scheduled task.

Click View Audit to list each change saved to the scheduled task configuration. For each change, the page lists the time, the user, the action, and the previous value. Actions include creating, updating, pausing, resuming, or killing the scheduled task.

Note: The page lists the time in the time zone of your browser.

The following image shows the audit of a scheduled task: