Creating Scheduled Tasks

Create scheduled tasks to trigger actions on jobs or reports on a regular basis, such as to start or stop a job or to generate a report on a weekly or monthly basis.

You can create scheduled tasks from the Scheduler view , Jobs view, or Reports view.

  1. Select the task to schedule by using one of the following methods:
    • From the Scheduler view:
      1. Click the Add icon: Add icon.
      2. From the Type list, select the task type, either Job or Report.
      3. Select the job or the report that you want to schedule.
    • From the Jobs view, select the checkbox for a single job and then click the Schedule Job icon: Schedule Job icon.
    • From the Reports view, select the checkbox for a single report and then click the Schedule Report icon: Schedule Report icon.
  2. Click Next.
  3. On the Create Scheduled Task window, configure the following properties:
    Scheduled Task Property Description
    Name Name of the scheduled task.

    Default is the name of the selected job or data delivery report.

    Description Optional description of the scheduled task.
    Action Action to complete:
    • Start - Start the job.
    • Stop - Stop the job.
    • Upgrade - Upgrade the job to use the latest pipeline version.

    Not available when scheduling a report.

    Cron Expression UNIX cron expression that defines the frequency with which the scheduled task triggers.

    Use the UI to define a simple expression. Or click Advanced to define your own advanced expression using the cron expression syntax.

    The time zone specified for the scheduled task applies to the expression.

    Time Zone Time zone for the schedule.

    The specified time zone applies to the cron expression, start time, and end time.

    Status Initial status of the scheduled task:
    • Running
    • Paused
    Schedule Start Time Date and time that the scheduled task begins running.

    By default, each task has no defined start time and so starts running immediately after creation.

    The time zone specified for the scheduled task applies to the start time.

    Important: Set tasks to start before the event that triggers the action. For example, if a task starts a batch job in the morning at 6:00 AM, then set the start time for that task to be at least 05:59 AM.
    Schedule End Time Date and time that the scheduled task ends permanently and cannot be restarted.

    By default, each task has no defined end time and so runs indefinitely.

    The time zone specified for the scheduled task applies to the end time.

    Missed Execution Handling Determines how the scheduled task handles missed executions because the task was paused:
    • Ignore - Ignores any missed executions.
    • Run All - Runs all missed executions. Use only for scheduled tasks that generate reports.
    • Run Once - Runs one missed execution.
  4. Click Save.