InfluxDB 2.x
The InfluxDB 2.x destination writes data to an InfluxDB 2.x database. To write to an InfluxDB 0.9 - 1.x database, use the InfluxDB destination. For information about supported versions, see Supported Systems and Versions in the Data Collector documentation.
When you configure the InfluxDB 2.x destination, you define connection information including an API token, and the organization and bucket to use. You can have the destination create the bucket if it does not exist. You can also use a connection to configure the destination.
You specify database details, such as the measurement, time, time field, and write precision. You also define tag and value fields.
Configuring an InfluxDB 2.x Destination
Configure an InfluxDB 2.x destination to write data to an InfluxDB 2.x database.