Starting Control Hub
Start Control Hub from the command prompt, using the required command for your installation type.
Tarball Installation for a Manual Start
When you install Control Hub from the tarball for a manual start, you start Control Hub manually from the command line. Control Hub runs as the system user account logged into the command prompt when you run the start command. You can alternatively impersonate another user account when you run the command.
Use the following command from the $DPM_HOME directory to start
Control Hub so that it runs as the
system user account logged into the command
bin/streamsets dpm
Or, use the following command to start Control Hub and run it in the
nohup bin/streamsets dpm &
Use the following command to start Control Hub so that it runs as another
system user account:
sudo -u <user> bin/streamsets dpm
Tarball or RPM Installation for a Service Start
When you run Control Hub as a service, Control Hub runs as the system user account and group defined in environment variables. The default system user and group are named dpm.
Use the required command for your operating system to start Control Hub as a service:
- For CentOS 6.x, Oracle Linux 6.x, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x, or
Ubuntu 14.04,
service dpm start
- For CentOS 7.x, Oracle Linux 7.x - 8.x, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux
7.x - 8.x,
systemctl start dpm