Playbook result value

If the sub-playbook has a result, you need to write a script to make that result available to the parent playbook.

The End point has a default script with lines that are commented out to help you start. If you do not need to send a result, uncomment the playbook.results = None line.

Follow the steps to write a script that places the result value in playbook.results. If the sub-playbook outputs were previously defined, you can display the JSON example and schema by moving the JSON output toggle. That example and schema might be helpful in writing the script.
  1. Click the End point to open its panel.
  2. In the End point panel, click Create playbook result.

    If the End point was previously configured, click Edit playbook result.

  3. Provide a script where the sub-playbooks result is stored in playbook.results. If the sub-playbook does not provide a result by design, enter playbook.results = None.

    For more information, see Playbook operations for scripts.

  4. If the sub-playbook has multiple End points, you can configure all End points to use the same result script automatically instead of writing the same script for each End point. To use the same script, set the Common script toggle switch to On.

    If the sub-playbook has existing End points with a result script, enabling Common script overwrites the existing scripts.

  5. When finished, click Done.