DESIGN Subcommand (ROC ANALYSIS command)

The DESIGN subcommand specifies the design for the comparison of two ROC curves.

Requests the paired-sample design for the test variable(s). When TRUE is specified with GROUP but not SELECT, GROUP is ignored, and the paired-sample design is implemented. When TRUE is specified with both valid GROUP and SELECT, PAIR is ignored and the independent-group design is implemented. /CRITERIA = DISTRIBUTION is disabled in the paired-sample design.
The paired-sample design for the test variable(s) is not used. This is the default setting.
Specifies the grouping variable, and request the independent-group design for the test variable(s). A single variable name is required when this keyword is specified.
Defines the groups by specifying either two numerical values or two strings values. The values or strings must exist in the selected GROUP variable. The keyword is required when the GROUP keyword is specified.
When groupVarName is continuous, divides the test variable(s) into ≥ midpoint versus < midpoint. The keyword is required when the GROUP keyword is specified.
When groupVarName is continuous, divides the test variable(s) into ≥ cut point versus < cut point. The keyword is required when the GROUP keyword is specified.