Creating, opening, and saving workbook output

  • The following information applies only when the Viewer is in Workbook mode (Edit > Options > General > Application Mode > Workbook).
  • You cannot create or open individual syntax or output documents when in Workbook mode.

Creating a new workbook

  1. From the SPSS® Statistics menus choose:

    File > New > Workbook

    A new Viewer window opens in workbook mode, providing an interactive method for running syntax and viewing the corresponding output. By default, new workbooks includes an empty syntax paragraph.

  2. For information on working with workbooks, see Adding items to a workbook.

Opening a workbook

  1. From the SPSS Statistics menus choose:

    File > Open > Workbook...

  2. Select an existing workbook file (*.spwb) and click Open.
  3. For information on working with workbooks, see Adding items to a workbook.

Saving a workbook

The contents of a workbook can be saved to an IBM® SPSS Statistics workbook file (*.spwb).

  1. From the SPSS Statistics menus choose:

    File > Save or File > Save As...

  2. To save results in other formats (for example, text, Word, Excel), choose File > Export.