Setting the Location of Templates, Stylesheets, and Maps
Visualization templates, visualization stylesheets, and map files are stored in a specific local folder or in the IBM® SPSS® Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository. When selecting templates, stylesheets, and maps, only the built-in ones in this location are displayed. By keeping all templates, stylesheets, and map files in one place, IBM SPSS applications can easily access them. For information about adding additional templates, stylesheets, and map files to this location, see Managing Templates, Stylesheets, and Map Files .
How to Set the Location of Templates, Stylesheets, and Map Files
- In a template or stylesheet dialog box, click Location... to display the Templates, Stylesheets, and Maps dialog box.
- Select an option for the default location for templates,
stylesheets, and map files:
Local Machine. Templates, stylesheets, and map files are located in a specific folder on your local computer. On Windows XP, this folder is C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\SPSSInc\Graphboard. The folder cannot be changed.
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository . Templates, stylesheets, and map files are located in a user-specified folder in the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository. To identify the specific folder, click Folder. For more information, see Using the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository as the Template, Stylesheet, and Map File Location .
- Click OK.