Model Summary View

The Model Summary view shows a snapshot, or summary, of the cluster model, including a Silhouette measure of cluster cohesion and separation that is shaded to indicate poor, fair, or good results. This snapshot enables you to quickly check if the quality is poor, in which case you may decide to return to the modeling node to amend the cluster model settings to produce a better result.

The results of poor, fair, and good are based on the work of Kaufman and Rousseeuw (1990) regarding interpretation of cluster structures. In the Model Summary view, a good result equates to data that reflects Kaufman and Rousseeuw's rating as either reasonable or strong evidence of cluster structure, fair reflects their rating of weak evidence, and poor reflects their rating of no significant evidence.

The silhouette measure averages, over all records, (B−A) / max(A,B), where A is the record's distance to its cluster center and B is the record's distance to the nearest cluster center that it doesn't belong to. A silhouette coefficient of 1 would mean that all cases are located directly on their cluster centers. A value of −1 would mean all cases are located on the cluster centers of some other cluster. A value of 0 means, on average, cases are equidistant between their own cluster center and the nearest other cluster.

The summary includes a table that contains the following information:

  • Algorithm. The clustering algorithm used, for example, "TwoStep".
  • Input Features. The number of fields, also known as inputs or predictors.
  • Clusters. The number of clusters in the solution.