Layer Variable Totals
Totals for layer variables are displayed as separate layers in the table.
- Open the table builder (Analyze menu, Tables, Custom Tables).
- Click Layers in the table builder to display the Layers list.
- Drag and drop Gender from the row area on the canvas pane to the Layers list.
Note: Since you already specified totals for Gender, you don't need to do so now. Moving the variable between dimensions does not affect any of the settings for that variable.
- Click OK to create the table.
- Double-click the table in the Viewer to activate it.
- Click the down arrow in the Layer drop-down list to display a list of all the layers in the table.
There are three layers in the table: Gender Male, Gender Female, and Gender Total.
Display Position of Layer Totals
For layer variable totals, the display position (above or below) for totals determines the layer position for the totals. For example, if you specify Above categories to which they apply for a layer variable total, the total layer is the first layer displayed.