Source List

The Source Variable List control displays the list of variables from the active dataset that are available to the end user of the dialog. You can display all variables from the active dataset (the default) or you can filter the list based on type and measurement level--for instance, numeric variables that have a measurement level of scale. Use of a Source List control implies the use of one or more Target List controls. The Source List control has the following properties:

Identifier. The unique identifier for the control.

Title. An optional title that appears with the control. For multi-line titles or long titles, click the ellipsis (...) button and enter your title in the Title Property dialog.

ToolTip. Optional ToolTip text that appears when the user hovers over the control. The specified text only appears when hovering over the title area of the control. Hovering over one of the listed variables will display the variable name and label.

Mnemonic Key. An optional character in the title to use as a keyboard shortcut to the control. The character appears underlined in the title. The shortcut is activated by pressing Alt+[mnemonic key]. The Mnemonic Key property is not supported on Mac.

Variable Transfers. Specifies whether variables transferred from the source list to a target list remain in the source list (Copy Variables), or are removed from the source list (Move Variables).

Variable Filter. Allows you to filter the set of variables displayed in the control. You can filter on variable type and measurement level, and you can specify that multiple response sets are included in the variable list. Click the ellipsis (...) button to open the Filter dialog. You can also open the Filter dialog by double-clicking the Source List control on the canvas. See the topic Filtering Variable Lists for more information.

Note: The Source List control cannot be added to a sub-dialog.