Select cases
Select Cases provides several methods for selecting a subgroup of cases based on criteria that include variables and complex expressions. You can also select a random sample of cases. The criteria used to define a subgroup can include:
- Variable values and ranges
- Date and time ranges
- Case (row) numbers
- Arithmetic expressions
- Logical expressions
- Functions
All cases. Turns case filtering off and uses all cases.
If condition is satisfied. Use a conditional expression to select cases. If the result of the conditional expression is true, the case is selected. If the result is false or missing, the case is not selected.
Random sample of cases. Selects a random sample based on an approximate percentage or an exact number of cases.
Based on time or case range. Selects cases based on a range of case numbers or a range of dates/times.
Use filter variable. Use the selected numeric variable from the data file as the filter variable. Cases with any value other than 0 or missing for the filter variable are selected.
This section controls the treatment of unselected cases. You can choose one of the following alternatives for the treatment of unselected cases:
- Filter out unselected cases. Unselected cases are not included in the analysis but remain in the dataset. You can use the unselected cases later in the session if you turn filtering off. If you select a random sample or if you select cases based on a conditional expression, this generates a variable named filter_$ with a value of 1 for selected cases and a value of 0 for unselected cases.
- Copy selected cases to a new dataset. Selected cases are copied to a new dataset, leaving the original dataset unaffected. Unselected cases are not included in the new dataset and are left in their original state in the original dataset.
- Delete unselected cases. Unselected cases are deleted from the dataset. Deleted cases can be recovered only by exiting from the file without saving any changes and then reopening the file. The deletion of cases is permanent if you save the changes to the data file.
Note: If you delete unselected cases and save the file, the cases cannot be recovered.
To Select a Subset of Cases
- From the menus choose:
- Select one of the methods for selecting cases.
- Specify the criteria for selecting cases.