Choose Tests (One-Sample Nonparametric Tests)

These settings specify the tests to be performed on the fields specified on the Fields tab.

Automatically choose the tests based on the data. This setting applies the Binomial test to categorical fields with only two valid (non-missing) categories, the Chi-Square test to all other categorical fields, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to continuous fields.

Customize tests. This setting allows you to choose specific tests to be performed.

  • Compare observed binary probability to hypothesized (Binomial test). The Binomial test can be applied to all fields. This produces a one-sample test that tests whether the observed distribution of a flag field (a categorical field with only two categories) is the same as what is expected from a specified binomial distribution. In addition, you can request confidence intervals. See Binomial Test Options (One-Sample Nonparametric Tests) for details on the test settings.
  • Compare observed probabilities to hypothesized (Chi-Square test). The Chi-Square test is applied to nominal and ordinal fields. This produces a one-sample test that computes a chi-square statistic based on the differences between the observed and expected frequencies of categories of a field. See Chi-Square Test Options (One-Sample Nonparametric Tests) for details on the test settings.
  • Test observed distribution against hypothesized (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is applied to continuous and ordinal fields. This produces a one-sample test of whether the sample cumulative distribution function for a field is homogenous with a uniform, normal, Poisson, or exponential distribution. See Kolmogorov-Smirnov Options (One-Sample Nonparametric Tests) for details on the test settings.
  • Compare median to hypothesized (Wilcoxon signed-rank test). The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is applied to continuous and ordinal fields. This produces a one-sample test of median value of a field. Specify a number as the hypothesized median.
  • Test sequence for randomness (Runs test). The Runs test is applied to all fields. This produces a one-sample test of whether the sequence of values of a dichotomized field is random. See Runs Test Options (One-Sample Nonparametric Tests) for details on the test settings.

Obtaining One-Sample Nonparametric Tests