Output object types

There are different types of output objects:

Charts. This includes charts created with the Chart Builder, charting procedures, and charts created by statistical procedures (for example, a bar chart created by the Frequencies procedure).

Headings. Text objects that are labeled Title in the outline pane of the Viewer.

Logs. Log text objects. Log objects contain certain types of error and warning messages. Depending on your Options settings (Edit menu, Options, Viewer tab), log objects may also contain the command syntax that is executed during the session. Log objects are labeled Log in the outline pane of the Viewer.

Models. Output objects displayed in the Model Viewer. A single model object can contain multiple views of the model, including both tables and charts.

Tables. Output objects that are pivot tables in the Viewer (includes Notes tables). Tables are the only output objects that can be routed to IBM® SPSS® Statistics data file (.sav) format.

Texts. Text objects that aren't logs or headings (includes objects labeled Text Output in the outline pane of the Viewer).

Trees. Tree model diagrams that are produced by the Decision Tree option.

Warnings. Warning objects contain certain types of error and warning messages.