What You See Is What Gets Subtotaled
Just like totals, subtotals are based on the categories included in the table.
- Open the table builder (Analyze menu, Tables, Custom Tables).
- Right-click Age category on the canvas pane and choose Categories
and Totals from the pop-up menu.
Note: The value (not the label) displayed for the first subtotal is 1.00...3.00, indicating that the subtotal includes all of the values in the list between 1 and 3.
- Select 1.00 in the Value(s) list (or click the label Less than 25).
- Click the arrow key to the left of the Exclude list.
The first age category is now excluded, and the value displayed for the first subtotal changes to 2.00...3.00, indicating the fact that the excluded category will not be included in the subtotal because subtotals are based on the categories included in the table. Excluding a category automatically excludes it from any subtotals, so you cannot, for example, display only subtotals without the categories on which the subtotals are based.