Meta-Analysis Continuous Effect Size: Analysis

The Analysis dialog provides settings for specifying subgroup and cumulative analysis for meta-analysis with continuous outcomes when the pre-calculated effect size data are provided in the active data set.

Subgroup Analysis
Select a variable that evokes the subgroup analysis. The variable cannot be the same as the variable defined for Cumulative Analysis.
Cumulative Analysis
Select a variable that evokes the cumulative analysis and upon which the cumulative meta-analysis is conducted. The variable cannot be the same as the variable defined for Subgroup Analysis. When Ascending is selected, cumulative analysis is based upon the specified variable in ascending order. When Descending is selected, cumulative analysis is based upon the specified variable in descending order.
Cumulative Statistics
Provides options for saving the estimated cumulative overall effect size. The settings are available only when a Cumulative Analysis variable is selected.
Cumulative effect size
Saves the estimated cumulative overall effect size.
Standard error
Saves the estimated standard error of the cumulative overall effect size.
Confidence interval lower bound
Saves the estimated confidence interval lower limit of the cumulative overall effect size.
Confidence interval upper bound
Saves the estimated confidence interval upper limit of the cumulative overall effect size.
Saves the estimated p-value of the cumulative overall effect size.
Provides options for specifying a save dataset or data file. When Dataset is selected, you can specify a new dataset name (you can retain the default dataset name). When Data file is selected, click Browse... to select a save file name and location.

Defining Meta-Analysis Continuous Effect Size analysis settings

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Meta Analysis > Continuous Outcomes > Pre-Calculated Effect Size

  2. In the Meta-Analysis Continuous Effect Size dialog, click Analysis.
  3. Select and define the appropriate analysis settings.
  4. Click Continue.