Meta-Analysis Binary Effect Size: Bias

The Bias dialog provides settings for enabling the publication bias by conducting regression-based tests for meta-analysis with binary outcomes when the pre-calculated effect size data are provided in the active data set.

Egger's regression-based test
Selecting this setting enables the publication bias by conducting the Eggers’s regression-based test.
The list provides all available dataset variables.
Variables selected from the Variables list are treated as covariates. Multiple covariates are allowed.
Variables selected from the Variables list are treated as factors. Multiple factors are allowed.
Include intercept in regression
Controls the intercept term in the regression-based test.
Include dispersion parameter in fixed-effects model
Controls the multiplicative model setting and introduces the multiplicative dispersion parameter to the analysis. The setting is available only when a fixed-effects model is selected.
Estimate statistics based on t-distribution
Controls the distribution used in the regression-based tests. The setting is enabled by default, which estimates the statistics based on the t-distribution. When the setting is not selected, the statistics are estimated based on the normal distribution.

Defining Meta-Analysis Binary Effect Size bias settings

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Meta Analysis > Binary Outcomes > Pre-Calculated Effect Size...

  2. In the Meta-Analysis Binary Effect Size dialog, click Bias.
  3. Select and define the appropriate bias settings.
  4. Click Continue.