To design a simulation without a predictive model
- From the menus, choose:
- Click Create Simulated Data and click Continue.
- On the Model tab (in the Simulation Builder), select the fields that you want to simulate. You can select fields from the active dataset or you can define new fields by clicking New.
- Click the Simulation tab and specify probability distributions for the fields that are to be simulated. If the active dataset contains historical data for any of those fields, click Fit All to automatically determine the distribution that most closely fits the data and to determine correlations between the fields. For fields that are not fit to historical data, you must explicitly specify a distribution by selecting a distribution type and entering the required parameters.
- Click Run to run the simulation. By default, the simulated data are saved to the new dataset specified on the Save settings. In addition, the simulation plan, which specifies the details of the simulation, is saved to the location specified on the Save settings.
The following options are available:
- Modify the location for the simulated data or the saved simulation plan.
- Specify known correlations between simulated fields.
- Automatically compute a contingency table of associations between categorical fields and use those associations when data are generated for those fields.
- Specify sensitivity analysis to investigate the effect of varying a distribution parameter for a simulated field.
- Specify advanced options such as setting the number of cases to generate.