Meta-Analysis Regression: Save

The Save dialog provides settings for saving the estimated statistics to the active data set for meta-analysis regression.

Individual Studies
Provides options for saving the estimated effect size.
Predicted values
Predicts and saves the fitted values.
Standard error of predicted values
Predicts and saves the standard error of fitted values.
Confidence interval lower bound
Saves the estimated confidence interval lower limit of the fitted values.
Confidence interval upper bound
Saves the estimated confidence interval upper limit of the fitted values.
Predicts and saves the residuals.
Standard error of residuals
Predicts and saves the standard error of the residuals.
Predicts and saves the leverages.
Cumulative Statistics
Provides options for saving linear predictions.
Note: The cumulative statistics settings are ignored when Fixed-effects is selected as the Model setting.
Fixed linear predictions
Predicts and saves the linear prediction.
Standard error of fixed linear predictions
Predicts and saves the standard error of the linear prediction.
Best linear unbiased predictions
Predicts and saves the best linear unbiased prediction of the random effects.
Standard error of BLUPs
Predicts and saves the standard error of the best linear unbiased prediction of the random effects.

Defining Meta-Analysis Regression save settings

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Meta Analysis > Meta Regression

  2. In the Meta-Analysis Regression dialog, click Save.
  3. Select and define the appropriate save settings.
  4. Click Continue.