Meta-Analysis Regression: Inference

The Inference dialog provides settings for specifying the estimation methods for meta-analysis regression.

Include intercept in regression
The setting is enabled be default.
Estimate statistics based on t-distribution
Controls the distribution used in the regression-based tests. The setting is enabled by default, which estimates the statistics based on the t-distribution. When the setting is not selected, the statistics are estimated based on the normal distribution.
Provides settings for specifying the estimator.
Restricted maximum likelihood (REML)
The default setting applies the iterative method and calculates the restricted maximum likelihood estimator.
Maximum likelihood (ML)
Applies the iterative method and calculates the maximum likelihood estimator.
Empirical Bayes
Applies the iterative method and calculates the empirical Bayes estimator.
Applies the non-iterative method and calculates the Hedges estimator.
Applies the non-iterative method and calculates the Hunter-Schmidt estimator.
Applies the non-iterative method and calculates the DerSimonian-Laird estimator.
Applies the non-iterative method and calculates the Sidik-Jonkman estimator.
Standard Error Adjustment
Provides settings that control whether to apply the Knapp-Hartung standard-error adjustment.
No adjustment
The default setting does not apply the adjustment.
Apply the Knapp-Hartung adjustment
Applies the Knapp-Hartung adjustment method.
Apply the truncated Knapp-Hartung adjustment
Applies the Knapp-Hartung adjustment method and truncates the value if less than 1 when estimating the variance-covariance matrix.

Defining Meta-Analysis Regression inference settings

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Meta Analysis > Meta Regression

  2. In the Meta-Analysis Regression dialog, click Inference.
  3. Select and define the appropriate inference settings.
  4. Click Continue.