How to get integration plug-ins


Starting with 30, R 4.2 is a part of the product. It includes the IBM® SPSS® Statistics - Integration Plug-in for R and a set of extension commands that are implemented in R that provide capabilities beyond what is available with built-in SPSS Statistics procedures.

  • Recent macOS versions (Catalina and Big Sur) require the manual installation of XQuartz (XQuartz/X11 are no longer included in macOS). For more information, see R runtime environment does not work in recent macOS versions
  • To determine which R packages are required for a specific R extension command , open the Extension Hub dialog (Extensions > Extension Hub), click the Installed tab, and then click More info for the wanted extension. The required R packages are listed on the Extension Details dialog. R packages can be obtained from any of the R CRAN mirror sites, which are accessed from Be sure to obtain the versions of the packages that match your R version. The version-specific packages are available from links on the "Contributed Packages" page of the CRAN mirror site.
  • Linux server dependencies - run the following commands to download and install required libraries:
    # install
    yum install compat-libgfortran-48
    # install
    yum install readline
    # install and
    yum install libicu
    # install
    yum install libpng15
  • pLinux server dependencies - run the following commands to download and install required libraries:
    # install
    yum install compat-libgfortran-48
    # install
    yum install readline
  • zLinux server dependencies - run the following commands to download and install required libraries:
    # install
    yum install libgfortran
  • The dependent R libraries that must be installed can differ based on different platforms and system versions. For example, Ubuntu and Red Hat distributions might not include specific dependent libraries.

IBM SPSS Statistics - Integration Plug-in for Python

The IBM SPSS Statistics - Integration Plug-in for Python is a part of the IBM SPSS Statistics product. It also includes Python 3.10 on all supported operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS, and UNIX for IBM SPSS Statistics Server) and a set of extension commands that are implemented in Python that provide capabilities beyond what is available with built-in SPSS Statistics procedures.

IBM SPSS Statistics - Integration Plug-in for Java

The Integration Plug-in for Java™ is installed with the Core system and does not require separate installation.

Resources for use with Integration Plug-ins are available on the IBM SPSS Statistics community at . Many of the resources are packaged as extension bundles that you can download from the Extension Hub. It is available from the menus by choosing Extensions > Extension Hub.