Rescale Fields (automated data preparation)
Rescale fields. Deselecting this option disables all other Rescale Fields controls while maintaining the selections.
Analysis Weight. This variable contains analysis (regression or sampling) weights. Analysis weights are used to account for differences in variance across levels of the target field. Select a continuous field.
Continuous Input Fields. This will normalize continuous input fields using a z-score transformation or min/max transformation. Rescaling inputs is especially useful when you select Perform feature construction on the Select and Construct settings.
- Z-score transformation. Using the observed mean and standard deviation as population parameter estimates, the fields are standardized and then the z scores are mapped to the corresponding values of a normal distribution with the specified Final mean and Final standard deviation. Specify a number for Final mean and a positive number for Final standard deviation. The defaults are 0 and 1, respectively, corresponding to standardized rescaling.
- Min/max transformation. Using the observed minimum and maximum as population parameter estimates, the fields are mapped to the corresponding values of a uniform distribution with the specified Minimum and Maximum. Specify numbers with Maximum greater than Minimum.
Continuous Target. This transforms a continuous target using the Box-Cox transformation into a field that has an approximately normal distribution with the specified Final mean and Final standard deviation. Specify a number for Final mean and a positive number for Final standard deviation. The defaults are 0 and 1, respectively.
Note: If a target has been transformed by ADP, subsequent models built using the transformed target score the transformed units. In order to interpret and use the results, you must convert the predicted value back to the original scale. See the topic for more information. See the topic Backtransform Scores for more information.