Applying and Saving Transformations (automated data preparation)
Depending upon whether you are using the Interactive or Automatic Data Preparation dialogs, the settings for applying and saving transformations are slightly different.
Interactive Data Preparation Apply Transformations Settings
Transformed Data. These settings specify where to save the transformed data.
- Add new fields to the active dataset. Any fields created by automated data preparation are added as new fields to the active dataset. Update roles for analyzed fields will set the role to None for any fields that are excluded from further analysis by automated data preparation.
- Create a new dataset or file containing the transformed data. Fields recommended by automated data preparation are added to a new dataset or file. Include unanalyzed fields adds fields in the original dataset that were not specified on the Fields tab to the new dataset. This is useful for transferring fields containing information not used in modeling, like ID or address, or name, into the new dataset.
Automatic Data Preparation Apply and Save Settings
The Transformed Data group is the same as in Interactive Data Preparation. In Automatic Data preparation, the following additional options are available:
Apply transformations. In the Automatic Data Preparation dialogs, deselecting this option disables all other Apply and Save controls while maintaining the selections.
Save transformations as syntax. This saves the recommended transformations as command syntax to an external file. The Interactive Data Preparation dialog does not have this control because it will paste the transformations as command syntax to the syntax window if you click Paste.
Save transformations as XML. This saves the recommended transformations as XML to an external
file, which can be merged with model PMML using TMS MERGE
or applied to another dataset using TMS IMPORT
. The Interactive Data Preparation
dialog does not have this control because it will save the transformations
as XML if you click Save XML in
the toolbar at the top of the dialog.