Export Output: Word/DOCX and Word/RTF Options

The following options are available for exporting output in Word Document (*.docx) and Word/RTF (*.doc) format:

Layers in pivot tables. By default, inclusion or exclusion of pivot table layers is controlled by the table properties for each pivot table. You can override this setting and include all layers or exclude all but the currently visible layer. See the topic Table properties: printing for more information.

Wide Pivot Tables. Controls the treatment of tables that are too wide for the defined document width. By default, the table is wrapped to fit. The table is divided into sections, and row labels are repeated for each section of the table. Alternatively, you can shrink wide tables or make no changes to wide tables and allow them to extend beyond the defined document width.

Preserve break points. If you have defined break points, these settings will be preserved in the Word tables.

Include footnotes and captions. Controls the inclusion or exclusion of all pivot table footnotes and captions.

Views of Models. By default, inclusion or exclusion of model views is controlled by the model properties for each model. You can override this setting and include all views or exclude all but the currently visible view. See the topic Model properties for more information. (Note: all model views, including tables, are exported as graphics.)

Page Setup for Export. This opens a dialog where you can define the page size and margins for the exported document. The document width used to determine wrapping and shrinking behavior is the page width minus the left and right margins.

Setting Word export options

  1. Make the Viewer the active window (click anywhere in the window).
  2. From the menus choose:

    File > Export...

  3. Select Word Document (*.docx) or Word/RTF (*.doc) as the export format.
  4. Click Change Options....