Viewer options

Viewer output display options affect only new output that is produced after you change the settings. Output that is already displayed in the Viewer is not affected by changes in these settings.

Initial Output State
Controls which items are automatically displayed or hidden each time that you run a procedure and how items are initially aligned. You can control the display of the following items: log, warnings, notes, titles, pivot tables, charts, tree diagrams, and text output. You can also turn the display of commands in the log on or off. You can copy command syntax from the log and save it in a syntax file.
Note: All output items are displayed left-aligned in the Viewer. Only the alignment of printed output is affected by the justification settings. Centered and right-aligned items are identified by a small symbol.
Controls the font style, size, and color for new output titles. The font Size list provides a set of predefined sizes, but you can manually enter other, supported size values.
Page Title
Controls the font style, size, and color for new page titles and page titles that are generated by TITLE and SUBTITLE command syntax or created by New Page Title on the Insert menu. The font Size list provides a set of predefined sizes, but you can manually enter other, supported size values.
Text Output
Font that is used for text output. Text output is designed for use with a monospaced (fixed-pitch) font. If you select a proportional font, tabular output does not align properly. The font Size list provides a set of predefined sizes, but you can manually enter other, supported size values.
Default Page Setup
Controls the default options for orientation and margins for printing.