Time Interval for Analysis (Temporal Causal Modeling)
The time interval that is used for the analysis can differ from the time interval of the observations. For example, if the time interval of the observations is Days, you might choose Months for the time interval for analysis. The data are then aggregated from daily to monthly data before the model is built. You can also choose to distribute the data from a longer to a shorter time interval. For example, if the observations are quarterly then you can distribute the data from quarterly to monthly data.
The available choices for the time interval at which the analysis is done depend on how the observations are defined and the time interval of those observations. In particular, when the observations are defined by cyclic periods or when a date specification is defined for the active dataset, then only aggregation is supported. In that case, the time interval of the analysis must be greater than or equal to the time interval of the observations.
The time interval for the analysis is specified from the Time Interval settings on the Data Specifications tab. The method by which the data are aggregated or distributed is specified from the Aggregation and Distribution settings on the Data Specifications tab.