Random Effect Covariances (generalized linear mixed models)

This view displays the random effects covariance matrix (G).

Styles. There are different display styles, which are accessible from the Style dropdown list.

  • Covariance values. This is a heat map of the covariance matrix in which effects are sorted from top to bottom in the order in which they were specified on the Fixed Effects settings. Colors in the corrgram correspond to the cell values as shown in the key. This is the default.
  • Corrgram. This is a heat map of the covariance matrix.
  • Compressed. This is a heat map of the covariance matrix without the row and column headings.

Blocks. If there are multiple random effect blocks, then there is a Block dropdown list for selecting the block to display.

Groups. If a random effect block has a group specification, then there is a Group dropdown list for selecting the group level to display.

Multinomial. If the multinomial distribution is in effect, then the Multinomial drop-down list controls which target category to display. The sort order of the values in the list is determined by the specification on the Build Options settings.

Obtaining a generalized linear mixed model