Linear Mixed Models Save
This dialog box allows you to save various model results to the working file.
Fixed Predicted Values. Saves variables related to the regression means without the effects.
- Predicted values. The regression means without the random effects.
- Standard errors. The standard errors of the estimates.
- Degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom associated with the estimates.
Predicted Values & Residuals. Saves variables related to the model fitted value.
- Predicted values. The model fitted value.
- Standard errors. The standard errors of the estimates.
- Degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom associated with the estimates.
- Residuals. The data value minus the predicted value.
Saving Results for Linear Mixed Models
This feature requires SPSS® Statistics Standard Edition or the Advanced Statistics Option.
- From the menus choose:
- Optionally, select subjects and repeated variables, and then click Continue.
- In the Linear Mixed Models dialog box, click Save.
- Select the values to save.