Absolute versus Relative Path Specifications

In distributed analysis mode, relative path specifications for data files and command syntax files are relative to the current server, not relative to your local computer. A relative path specification such as /mydocs/mydata.sav does not point to a directory and file on your local drive; it points to a directory and file on the remote server's hard drive.

Windows UNC Path Specifications

If you are using a Windows server version, you can use universal naming convention (UNC) specifications when accessing data and syntax files with command syntax. The general form of a UNC specification is:


  • Servername is the name of the computer that contains the data file.
  • Sharename is the folder (directory) on that computer that is designated as a shared folder.
  • Path is any additional folder (subdirectory) path below the shared folder.
  • Filename is the name of the data file.

An example is as follows:

GET FILE='\\hqdev001\public\july\sales.sav'.

If the computer does not have a name assigned to it, you can use its IP address, as in:

GET FILE='\\\public\july\sales.sav'.

Even with UNC path specifications, you can access data and syntax files only from devices and folders that are designated as shared. When you use distributed analysis mode, this situation includes data and syntax files on your local computer.

UNIX Absolute Path Specifications

For UNIX server versions, there is no equivalent to the UNC path, and all directory paths must be absolute paths that start at the root of the server; relative paths are not allowed. For example, if the data file is located in /bin/data and the current directory is also /bin/data, GET FILE='sales.sav' is not valid; you must specify the entire path, as in:

GET FILE='/bin/sales.sav'.
INSERT FILE='/bin/salesjob.sps'.

Note: Distributed analysis is available only if you have both a local version and access to a licensed server version of the software that is installed on a remote server.