Pie Chart 3-D Effects and Slice Positions
You can add 3-D effects to pie charts. You can also change the position of the slices and the order in which they are displayed.
How to Add 3-D Effects
- Select the pie chart.
- If the Properties
window is not displayed, from the menus choose:
- Click the Depth & Angle tab.
- Select Shadow or 3-D.
- Use the rest of the tab to specify options for the effects.
- Click Apply.
How to Change the Position of the Pie Slices
- Select the pie chart.
- If the Properties window is not displayed, from the menus
- Click the Depth & Angle tab.
- Use the Position Slices area to specify the pie options.
- Click Apply.
Using the Depth & Angle tab
3-D Effect To apply a 3-D effect, select 3-D. A 3-D effect gives depth to the bars or the pie chart. Use the horizontal and vertical slider in the Angle area to change the angle of projection on the horizontal and vertical planes. (The vertical slider is disabled for bars.) You can also use the Depth area to specify the depth of the 3-D effect, which changes the thickness of the 3-D pie. Depth is a percentage of the inner frame. Use the Distance area to change the viewing distance from the 3-D pie. By increasing the distance, the pie chart appears smaller.
Shadow Effect To apply a shadow effect, select Shadow. A shadow effect gives the effect of the pie floating above the plane of the inner frame. Use the horizontal and vertical sliders in the Offset area to change the angle of the light source in relation to the pie.
Position Slices Rotate the pie chart slices by entering a clock position at which the first slice starts. This position is indicated by a thicker line in the example image. You can also change whether categories are displayed in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.