Creating and displaying layers

To create layers:

  1. Activate the pivot table.
  2. If pivoting trays are not already on, from the Pivot Table menu, choose:

    Pivot > Pivoting Trays

  3. Drag an element from the row or column dimension into the layer dimension.

Moving elements to the layer dimension creates a multidimensional table, but only a single two-dimensional "slice" is displayed. The visible table is the table for the top layer. For example, if a yes/no categorical variable is in the layer dimension, then the multidimensional table has two layers: one for the "yes" category and one for the "no" category.

Changing the displayed layer

  1. Choose a category from the drop-down list of layers (in the pivot table itself, not the pivoting tray).


  2. From the menus, choose:

Pivot > Go to Layer...