Controlling Pivot Table Output

Many IBM® SPSS® Statistics procedures produce layered tabular output. These tables can be manipulated with the IBM SPSS Statistics graphical user interface, so they are called pivot tables. Pivot table layers are produced when the same table is repeated for each value of a grouping variable. Pivot table footnotes and captions are produced by syntax, or for some procedures, they are produced automatically to convey additional information about the statistical results displayed in the table.

You can control which parts of the pivot table appear in the output with the switches in the following table.

Table 1. Switches for pivot table output
Switch Description
-nl Produces only the first layer of the table. You can also use -top, which is just a synonym for -nl.
-nfc Suppresses footnotes and captions.
-st Produces static tables, that is, tables that cannot be pivoted.

Note: Output requested with the OUTPUT SAVE command honors -nl and -nfc but not -st.