Bayesian Independent-Sample Inference: Criteria

You can specify the following analysis criteria for your Bayesian Independent-Sample Inference:

Credible interval percentage %
Specify the significance level for computing credible intervals. The default level is 95%.
Missing Values
Specify the method in which to control missing values.
Exclude cases pairwise
This is the default setting and excludes records with missing values on a analysis by analysis basis. Records that include missing values, for a field that is used for a specific test, are omitted from the test.
Exclude cases listwise
This setting excludes records that include missing values listwise. Records that include missing values for any field that is named on any subcommand are excluded from all analysis.
Note: The following options are available only when either the Estimate Bayes Factor or Use Both Methods option is selected for Bayesian Analysis.
Adaptive Quadrature Method
Specify the tolerance and maximum iteration values for the Adaptive Quadrature Quadrature method.
Specify the tolerance value for the numerical methods. The default setting is 0.000001.
Maximum iterations
Specify the maximum number of Adaptive Quadrature method iterations. The value must be a positive integer. The default setting is 500.