Creating a Parameter Query

Use the Prompt for Value step to create a dialog box that solicits information from users each time someone runs your query. This feature is useful if you want to query the same data source by using different criteria.

To build a prompt, enter a prompt string and a default value. The prompt string is displayed each time a user runs your query. The string should specify the kind of information to enter. If the user is not selecting from a list, the string should give hints about how the input should be formatted. An example is as follows: Enter a Quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, ...).

Allow user to select value from list. If this check box is selected, you can limit the user to the values that you place here. Ensure that your values are separated by returns.

Data type. Choose the data type here (Number, String, or Date).

Date and time values must be entered in special manner:

  • Date values must use the general form yyyy-mm-dd.
  • Time values must use the general form: hh:mm:ss.
  • Date/time values (timestamps) must use the general form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.