Editing paneling zone categories

You can change the order of the paneling zone categories and collapse small categories into a single, new category. Note that modifying the paneling zone categories is very similar to modifying a categorical axis.

  1. Click the Element Properties tab in the side bar of the Chart Builder. (If the side bar is not displayed, click the button in the upper right corner of the Chart Builder to display the side bar.)
  2. In the Edit Properties Of list, select an item named Columns Panel (Element) or Rows Panel (Element). An example would be Rows Panel (Bar1).
  3. Modify the grouping zone categories. Details appear below.

Paneling zone categories

Panel Label. Specify text for the panel label. The Chart Builder sets a default that you can override.

Sort by and Direction. Select a sorting option for the categories within the variable. Excluding Custom, any of the sorting options can be ascending or descending.

  • Custom. Use the order shown in the Order list.
  • Label. Use the category labels for sorting the variable's categories. These are the labels that appear in the chart, usually as tick or legend labels.
  • Value. Use the value stored in the dataset for sorting the variable's categories. The category's value is what identifies the category in the dataset. It often differs from its label and is not necessarily descriptive. For example, the value might be a number (for example, 1), while the label is a text description of the category (for example, Female).

Order. Manually change the order in which categories appear in the chart. To change the order, select a category name, and then click either the up or the down arrow to the right of the list. The first category in the list is displayed first on the chart. When you manually change the order, the value of Sort By changes to Custom.

Collapse. Collapse the smallest categories into a single Other category. If the check box is selected, the Chart Builder takes the values on the y axis and sums them across all categories. The Chart Builder then collapses any categories with y-axis values that are less than the specified percentage of the total sum. Use this feature to combine categories that are so small that you don't need to display them separately. For example, consider collapsing if you have a pie chart with many categories. This feature is available for only a limited number of statistics: Count, Percentage, Valid N, and Sum. It is unavailable for high-low-close, difference area, and dual axis charts and for any chart specifying error bars.