Pivoting Tables

Figure 1. Viewer
Sample table in Viewer

The default tables produced may not display information as neatly or as clearly as you would like. With pivot tables, you can transpose rows and columns ("flip" the table), adjust the order of data in a table, and modify the table in many other ways. For example, you can change a short, wide table into a long, thin one by transposing rows and columns. Changing the layout of the table does not affect the results. Instead, it's a way to display your information in a different or more desirable manner.

  1. If it's not already activated, double-click the Owns PDA * Gender * Internet Crosstabulation table to activate it.
  2. If the Pivoting Trays window is not visible, from the menus choose:

    Pivot > Pivoting Trays

    Pivoting trays provide a way to move data between columns, rows, and layers.

    Figure 2. Pivoting trays
    The Pivoting Trays for the crosstabulation table.
  3. Drag the Statistics element from the Row dimension to the Column dimension, below Gender. The table is immediately reconfigured to reflect your changes.

    The order of the elements in the pivoting tray reflects the order of the elements in the table.

  4. Drag and drop the Owns PDA element before the Internet element in the row dimension to reverse the order of these two rows.
Figure 3. Swap rows
Pivoting tray showing two elements in row dimension reversed
