Finding and replacing data and attribute values
To find and/or replace data values in Data View or attribute values in Variable View:
- Click a cell in the column you want to search. (Finding and replacing values is restricted to a single column.)
- From the menus choose:
Data View
- You cannot search up in Data View. The search direction is always down.
- For dates and times, the formatted values as displayed in Data View are searched. For example, a date displayed as 10/28/2007 will not be found by a search for a date of 10-28-2007.
- For other numeric variables, Contains, Begins with, and Ends with search formatted values. For example, with the Begins with option, a search value of $123 for a Dollar format variable will find both $123.00 and $123.40 but not $1,234. With the Entire cell option, the search value can be formatted or unformatted (simple F numeric format), but only exact numeric values (to the precision displayed in the Data Editor) are matched.
- The numeric system-missing value is represented by a single period (.) To find system-missing values, enter a single period as the search value and select Entire cell.
- If value labels are displayed for the selected variable column, the label text is searched, not the underlying data value, and you cannot replace the label text.
Variable View
- Find is only available for the Name, Label, Values, Missing, and custom variable attribute columns.
- Replace is only available for the Label, Values, and custom attribute columns.
- In the Values (value labels) column, the search string
can match either the data value or a value label.
Note: Replacing the data value will delete any previous value label associated with that value.