
Breakpoints allow you to stop execution of command syntax at specified points within the syntax window and continue execution when ready.

  • Breakpoints are set at the level of a command and stop execution prior to running the command.
  • Breakpoints cannot occur within LOOP-END LOOP, DO IF-END IF, DO REPEAT-END REPEAT, INPUT PROGRAM-END INPUT PROGRAM, and MATRIX-END MATRIX blocks. They can, however, be set at the beginning of such blocks and will stop execution prior to running the block.
  • Breakpoints cannot be set on lines containing non-IBM® SPSS® Statistics command syntax, such as occur within BEGIN PROGRAM-END PROGRAM, BEGIN DATA-END DATA, and BEGIN GPL-END GPL blocks.
  • Breakpoints are not saved with the command syntax file and are not included in copied text.
  • By default, breakpoints are honored during execution. You can toggle whether breakpoints are honored or not from Tools > Honor Breakpoints.

To Insert a Breakpoint

  1. Click anywhere in the gutter to the left of the command text.


  2. Position the cursor within the command.
  3. From the menus choose:

    Tools > Toggle Breakpoint

The breakpoint is represented as a red circle in the gutter to the left of the command text and on the same line as the command name.

Clearing Breakpoints

To clear a single breakpoint:

  1. Click the icon representing the breakpoint in the gutter to the left of the command text.


  2. Position the cursor within the command.
  3. From the menus choose:

    Tools > Toggle Breakpoint

    To clear all breakpoints:

  4. From the menus choose:

    Tools > Clear All Breakpoints

See Running Command Syntax for information about the run-time behavior in the presence of breakpoints.