Specifying the Menu Location for a Custom Dialog

The Menu Location dialog box is used to specify the name and location of the menu item for a custom dialog. Menu items for custom dialogs do not appear in the Menu Editor within IBM® SPSS® Statistics. If you are working in compatibility mode, then see the Compatibility Mode section for instructions.

  1. Double-click the menu (or click the plus sign icon) to which you want to add the item for the new dialog. By default, the dialog is installed to all window types (Data Editor, Syntax, and Viewer) and the menus that are common to all window types are displayed. You can choose to install the dialog to a particular window type, and display the menus for that window type, by selecting the window type from the Install to list.
  2. Select the menu item above which you want the item for the new dialog to appear and click Add. After the item is added, you can use Move Up and Move Down to reposition it. You can also move the item under a new submenu by clicking Move Under New Menu. When the dialog is installed, the submenu is added to the IBM SPSS Statistics menu system if it is not already present.
  3. Enter the name of the menu item. Names within a particular menu or submenu must be unique.

Compatibility Mode

  1. Double-click the menu (or click the plus sign icon) to which you want to add the item for the new dialog.

    If you want to create custom menus or submenus, use the Menu Editor. For more information, see the topic Menu Editor, and also see the associated note in the Note section.

  2. Select the menu item above which you want the item for the new dialog to appear. After the item is added, you can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reposition it.
  3. Enter a title for the menu item. Titles within a particular menu or submenu must be unique.
  4. Click Add.


  • Add a separator above or below the new menu item.
  • Specify the path to an image that appears next to the menu item for the custom dialog. The supported image types are gif and png. The image cannot be larger than 16 x 16 pixels.
  • The Menu Location dialog box displays menus for all add-on modules. Be sure to add the menu item for your custom dialog to a menu that is available to you or other users of your dialog.
  • If you add your dialog to a menu that was created from the Menu Editor (View>Menu Editor), then users of your dialog must manually create the same menu from their Menu Editor. Otherwise, the dialog is added to their Extensions menu.

How To Access the Menu Location Dialog Box

  1. From the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder, choose:

Edit > Menu Location