Control types

The tools palette provides the controls that can be added to a custom dialog.

Source List
A list of source variables from the active dataset. For more information, see "Source list".
Target List
A target for variables transferred from the source list. For more information, see "Target list".
Field Chooser
A list of all the fields from the active dataset. For more information, see Field Chooser.
Dataset Selector
A list of the datasets that are currently open. For more information, see "Dataset selector".
Check Box
A single check box. For more information, see Check Box.
Combo Box
A combo box for creating drop-down lists. For more information, see Combo Box.
List Box
A list box for creating single selection or multiple selection lists. For more information, see List Box.
Text control
A text box that accepts arbitrary text as input. For more information, see Text control.
Number control
A text box that is restricted to numeric values as input. For more information, see Number Control.
Date control
A spinner control for specifying date/time values, which include dates, times, and datetimes. For more information, see Date control.
Secured Text
A text box that masks user entry with asterisks. For more information, see Secured Text.
Static Text control
A control for displaying static text. For more information, see Static Text Control.
Color Picker
A control for specifying a color and generating the associated RGB value. For more information, see Color Picker.
Table control
A table with a fixed number of columns and a variable number of rows that are added at run time. For more information, see Table Control.
Item Group
A container for grouping a set of controls, such as a set of check boxes. For more information, see Item Group.
Radio Group
A group of radio buttons. For more information, see Radio Group.
Check Box Group
A container for a set of controls that are enabled or disabled as a group, by a single check box. For more information, see Check Box Group.
File Browser
A control for browsing the file system to open or save a file. For more information, see File Browser.
A single tab. For more information, see Tab.
Sub-dialog Button
A button for launching a sub-dialog. For more information, see Sub-dialog button.