Seasonal Decomposition Save

How to Save Seasonal Decomposition Results

This feature requires the Forecasting option.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Forecasting > Seasonal Decomposition...

  2. In the Seasonal Decomposition dialog box, click Save.

Create Variables. Allows you to choose how to treat new variables.

  • Add to file. The new series created by Seasonal Decomposition are saved as regular variables in your active dataset. Variable names are formed from a three-letter prefix, an underscore, and a number.
  • Replace existing. The new series created by Seasonal Decomposition are saved as temporary variables in your active dataset. At the same time, any existing temporary variables created by the Forecasting procedures are dropped. Variable names are formed from a three-letter prefix, a pound sign (#), and a number.
  • Do not create. The new series are not added to the active dataset.

New Variable Names

The Seasonal Decomposition procedure creates four new variables (series), with the following three-letter prefixes, for each series specified:

SAF. Seasonal adjustment factors. These values indicate the effect of each period on the level of the series.

SAS. Seasonally adjusted series. These are the values obtained after removing the seasonal variation of a series.

STC. Smoothed trend-cycle components. These values show the trend and cyclical behavior present in the series.

ERR. Residual or "error" values. The values that remain after the seasonal, trend, and cycle components have been removed from the series.