Restructure Data Wizard (Cases to Variables): Sort Data

In this step, decide whether to sort the current file before restructuring it. Each time the wizard encounters a new combination of identification values, a new row is created, so it is important that the data are sorted by the variables that identify case groups.

How are the rows ordered in the current file? Consider how the current data are sorted and which variables you are using to identify case groups (specified in the previous step).

  • Yes. The wizard will automatically sort the current data by the identification variables in the same order that variables are listed in the Identifier Variable(s) list in the previous step. Choose this when the data aren't sorted by the identification variables or when you aren't sure. This choice requires a separate pass of the data, but it guarantees that the rows are correctly ordered for restructuring.
  • No. The wizard will not sort the current data. Choose this when you are sure that the current data are sorted by the variables that identify case groups.