Meta-Analysis Continuous: Print

The Print dialog provides settings for controlling table outputs for meta-analysis with continuous outcomes on raw data that are provided in the active dataset for the estimation of the effect size.

Provides settings for controlling the homogeneity and heterogeneity tests.
Test of homogeneity
When selected, the corresponding test of homogeneity is provided in the output.
Heterogeneity measures
When selected, the heterogeneity measures are provided in the output.
Effect Sizes
Provides the following effect size settings.
Individual studies
Controls the display of individual studies. When selected, the corresponding output is provided.
Cumulative effect sizes
Controls the display of cumulative analysis. When selected, the corresponding output is provided. The setting is available only when a Cumulative Analysis variable is selected on the Analysis dialog.
Prediction interval under random-effects model
Controls the display of the prediction interval. When selected, the corresponding output is provided. The setting is available only when a random-effects model is specified.

Defining Meta-Analysis Continuous print settings

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Meta Analysis > Continuous Outcomes > Raw Data...

  2. In the Meta-Analysis Continuous dialog, click Print.
  3. Select and define the appropriate print settings.
  4. Click Continue.