Using favorites

You can save all the settings associated with a chart so that you don't have change the defaults each time you create a particular chart. Everything that you can modify with the Chart Builder is saved with the favorite, including statistics and axis properties such as the range. Variables are not saved in the favorite. The favorite is available until you manually delete it.

How to save a favorite

  1. Build the chart as you normally would, applying all the settings you want, such as statistics and axis properties.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the canvas and choose Add to Favorites.
  3. Enter a name for the favorite (this will show up as a ToolTip) and click OK.

How to create a chart from a favorite

  1. Click the Gallery tab and select Favorites.
  2. Drag the favorite onto the canvas as you would a predefined gallery chart.
  3. Add the required variables to drop zones. Variables are not saved with the favorite, so you must always add these.
  4. Click OK to create the chart.

You can also modify any of the chart properties before you create the chart, just as you can with a chart created from the gallery. Therefore, you can override any of the favorite's properties if needed for a particular circumstance.

How to delete a favorite

  1. Click the Gallery tab and select Favorites.
  2. Right-click the favorite's icon and choose Delete from Favorites.
  3. Click OK when prompted.