Adding Paneling Variables

Paneling (also known as faceting) creates a table of graphs. The rows and columns in the table are determined by categorical variables. Like grouping, paneling essentially adds more dimensions to your chart.

How to add a paneling variable

  1. Click the Groups/Point ID tab.
  2. Select Rows panel variable and/or Columns panel variable.
  3. Drag a variable into the new drop zone that appears on the canvas.

If the panels in the resulting chart are very small, you may want to enlarge the chart or specify that the panel rows can be wrapped. See the topic Setting General Options for more information.

You can also modify the categories in the paneling zone (for example, to change the order of the categories). See the topic Editing paneling zone categories for more information.

How to remove a paneling variable

  1. Click the Groups/Point ID tab.
  2. Deselect the option for the paneling variable.