Bayesian One Sample Inference: Binomial/Poisson Priors

You can specify the following prior distribution criteria for your Bayesian One-Sample Inference:

Note: Many applied researchers may question the need to specify a prior. Reference priors minimize the concern where the prior is generally overwhelmed as the data increases. When informative prior information is specified, Bayesian methods can effectively use the information. The requirement to specify a prior should not be viewed as a deterrent to using Bayesian analysis.
Shape Parameter
For Binomial priors, specify the shape parameter a0 for Beta distribution.

For Poisson priors, specify the shape parameter a0 for Gamma distribution.

You must enter a single value that is greater than 0.

Scale Parameter
For Binomial priors, specify the scale parameter b0 for Beta distribution.

For Poisson priors, specify the scale parameter b0 for Gamma distribution.

You must enter a single value that is greater than 0.